
July 1999 - August 14, 2002

Tinker was killed in a car accident on Wednesday, August 14, at 10:45 in the morning. Right in front of our door. I feel utterly devastated. I've decided to put the last photos I got from him online. He was such a good friend and I already miss him like hell. Wherever you are little Tinks, think of me.

This was taken two days before his death.

Ditto. He was fast asleep.

Tinker is the large one in the background. The smaller one is Justina.

This is Tinks last winter (2001) - he just loved snow!

Tinker was a son of Bunti. He was three years old when he died. He tended to roll his eyes in a funny way when someone petted him, looking pretty much like he had been smoking pot.

Move on to: Söckchen, Mick, Möhrchen, Moppel, Fussel, Ankhnesneferibre, Goldie, Justina, Nero, Poppaea,and Bunti

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