
This is Söckchen, whose name means "Little Socks" in German. No, I can't remember why we named her that...she lived with us for eight, and we don't know either what she had done before that time or how old she really was. She just dropped by, highly pregnant, and left us with her litter. We decided to give them to the animal shelter, but she stayed with us. In fact, all our cats are strays...

Söckchen fell ill in November 2002 and had to have some bad teeth extracted. Ever since then, her health had been bad. On March 10, she died of pneumonia which we hadn't been able to treat as she steadfastly refused to swallow any kind of medicine. I still have scars of the scratches she dealt me.

Even the vet couldn't get anything inside her.

She will be sorely missed. Her grave is right next to Tinker's, as the two had liked each other quite well.

Move on to: Tinker, Mick, Möhrchen, Moppel, Fussel, Ankhnesneferibre, Goldie, Justina, Nero, Poppaea,and Bunti

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