
Bunti (meaning "The Many-Coloured One") is the one responsible for all the kittens we got (except Söckchen, who is not related to her), and we had a lot of trouble to finally get her neutered...not even the drug the vet gave us to subdue her were any help. She was a rather wild creature who had turned up on our doorstep one day and refused to go and we only ever managed to keep her young, but were not able to catch her. The ginger guy next to her is her son Strolch, a feral tomcat. Yes, he's sleeping on our sofa here, but that didn't keep him from being a really wild 'un-one day he just disappeared.

Since Bunti's trip to the vet, she had become a lovely little kitty. And especially Mick loved her mother very much, and her favourite "washing machine" was Tinker. Bunti died in 2008-she was well over 20 years old and apparently only adopted us when she was already over ten years old. After having been a bit sickly for two years, one day she just woke up and was completely blind-and then refused to eat…she just gave up after a long life.

Move on to: Söckchen, Mick, Möhrchen, Moppel, Fussel, Ankhnesneferibre, Goldie, Justina, Nero, Poppaea,and Tinker

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